“I have so much to do.” “I’d love to … but I can’t.” “I never finished… I need to… Look at this place…” Have you ever heard someone say any of this before? How about you, have you ever said it? Sometimes our self-doubt and self-punishment are disguised in excuses. In an effort to fulfill […]
personal growth
Lessons from the past…
In order to grow it is important to understand where we are coming from. This allows us to learn lessons from past behaviours, or actions that created something we either liked or didn’t like. And they are just that, lessons to learn and grow from, not items on a list to constantly beat yourself up […]
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Gremlins and other drugs…
Sometimes our fears are like drugs. We hold them close, usually secret, and need a daily dose to remind ourselves why we can’t do something. These fears that hold us back are like gremlins lurking in the corner, waiting to pounce the minute we get an idea, sometimes holding us back from allowing ideas to […]
Create your own wake…
Everyday there are a hundred new articles about the traits of someone else. 8 Traits of Highly Successful People, 16 Traits of Real Leaders, 94 Traits of Resilient SOBs, you get the point. Everyday we are reading articles that tell us how someone else is doing something, pointing us in the direction of following in […]