It starts as a jabbering. Slowly rising in level and urgency. He’s awake. Again. Sometimes when it is the fifth time his jabbering has turned to crying in the middle of the night, I think he must hate me. It is only in the light of the morning that I realize, my infant son does […]
Unleash your inner child…

If you want success in business sometimes you have to stop being so grown up. It may seem counter-intuitive, however, sometimes going against your intuition is not such a bad thing. As children we are too ignorant to know any better, and so we challenge everything around us, trying to suss out what is relevant […]

“I’m not creative.” Have you ever said this? Have you ever heard someone say this? Like being creative is something that you either are or aren’t. Being creative is not a state of being, it is not something that you are born with or without. Also, being creative is not about painting masterpieces and writing […]
Customers – we all have them and we all are one…

Many times in your life you are going to purchase things – cars, books, watches, apples, etc. – and each time your experience in purchasing will range somewhere on the continuum from indescribably horrible to incredible. Quite often you will find yourself somewhere in the realm of indifferent and not memorable. And if you are […]
Be a fan…

I’m a student of the customer experience. I can’t go into any business without silently judging how they handle every aspect of my interaction. I blame this on two things – first my mom was a small business owner when I was younger and for her business the customer always came first. Second, I have […]