When I first started looking for images to tag into this blog post I searched values, because that’s what it’s about. What surprised, and maybe didn’t surprise me at the same time, was that the images were all of money and currency. And so it feels fitting to start there – with money. Often when […]
What are you waiting for? Enough…

This isn’t where I thought I was going with my post this week. I was going to write about values and the importance of them in planning out your goals, but then this came into my head and here we are… and isn’t it fitting? What are you waiting for? The perfect point in your […]

Between social media and mainstream media there are a lot of messages coming at us everyday. It can be overwhelming, to say the least. And through all that noise we are tasked to determine what matters to us, as individuals, employees, employers, parents, friends, citizens, and human beings. It’s no wonder there are days when […]
Forgive yourself already!

“I have so much to do.” “I’d love to … but I can’t.” “I never finished… I need to… Look at this place…” Have you ever heard someone say any of this before? How about you, have you ever said it? Sometimes our self-doubt and self-punishment are disguised in excuses. In an effort to fulfill […]
Lessons from the past…

In order to grow it is important to understand where we are coming from. This allows us to learn lessons from past behaviours, or actions that created something we either liked or didn’t like. And they are just that, lessons to learn and grow from, not items on a list to constantly beat yourself up […]
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Gremlins and other drugs…

Sometimes our fears are like drugs. We hold them close, usually secret, and need a daily dose to remind ourselves why we can’t do something. These fears that hold us back are like gremlins lurking in the corner, waiting to pounce the minute we get an idea, sometimes holding us back from allowing ideas to […]