It doesn’t matter which side of the table you are sitting on, working through development planning as an employee or with your employees can be painful. The conversation sometimes goes like this: “I don’t know, I’ve been here so long, what is there really left to learn?” or “There is so much uncertainty right now, […]
Quit playing the short game…

Quit playing the short game, without understanding the consequence. Because in the long run you are going to lose. Sure in the short run you might see a win, but do you understand the cost? This is a mistake that so many businesses and individuals play, its a gamble and they don’t even see it. […]
Between the Carrot and the Stick

You’ve heard the analogy, the combination of reward and punishment to motivate and drive employees forward. In one hand you hold the carrot in front of your employee – just a little bit further, push just a little bit harder, and he can have this tasty reward. In the other hand you hold the stick, […]