In order to grow it is important to understand where we are coming from. This allows us to learn lessons from past behaviours, or actions that created something we either liked or didn’t like. And they are just that, lessons to learn and grow from, not items on a list to constantly beat yourself up […]
Author: Christy Hemmingway
- coaching
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Gremlins and other drugs…

Sometimes our fears are like drugs. We hold them close, usually secret, and need a daily dose to remind ourselves why we can’t do something. These fears that hold us back are like gremlins lurking in the corner, waiting to pounce the minute we get an idea, sometimes holding us back from allowing ideas to […]
Create your own wake…

Everyday there are a hundred new articles about the traits of someone else. 8 Traits of Highly Successful People, 16 Traits of Real Leaders, 94 Traits of Resilient SOBs, you get the point. Everyday we are reading articles that tell us how someone else is doing something, pointing us in the direction of following in […]
4 Steps to Approach Innovation and Creative Problem Solving

So you have a problem, now what? There is so much out there on innovation, design thinking, and creative problem solving, it’s hard to know where to start. In previous posts we’ve reviewed that you are creative, and where ideas come from. But how do you go from problem, to ideas, to actual solution? We’ve […]
The 21st Century Suggestion Box

Ritz Carlton calls it “Radar-On Antenna Up”. A couple years ago I had the pleasure of hearing a representative from the Ritz speak about the importance of noticing what isn’t being said, what lies between the spoken words and desires of the customer. For them, this wasn’t about innovation, but customer service. But what if […]
You won’t believe what they did with…

Resources and capabilities are abundant. In a world full of materialism and the need to accumulate it may sometimes feel that everything has already been invented. I’m here to tell you invention will never stop – and you already have everything you need to innovate and create something new and exciting. Have you seen the […]
Notice and act…

Trends. Fads. Early adapters. Making a movement…. How much attention are you paying to what is happening in the world around you? Can you take that data and synthesize it into a compelling product or service? Companies are doing this everyday. Let’s examine closer… Twitter: Harnessing the growing popularity of text messaging, Twitter started with […]
Unleash your inner child…

If you want success in business sometimes you have to stop being so grown up. It may seem counter-intuitive, however, sometimes going against your intuition is not such a bad thing. As children we are too ignorant to know any better, and so we challenge everything around us, trying to suss out what is relevant […]

“I’m not creative.” Have you ever said this? Have you ever heard someone say this? Like being creative is something that you either are or aren’t. Being creative is not a state of being, it is not something that you are born with or without. Also, being creative is not about painting masterpieces and writing […]
Customers – we all have them and we all are one…

Many times in your life you are going to purchase things – cars, books, watches, apples, etc. – and each time your experience in purchasing will range somewhere on the continuum from indescribably horrible to incredible. Quite often you will find yourself somewhere in the realm of indifferent and not memorable. And if you are […]