Sometimes hearing no can stop you in your tracks. And sometimes hearing no should stop you in your tracks. But there are other times when hearing no can be a catalyst for something great, for something important, and for something new and exciting. A few weeks ago I was going after something that I thought, maybe […]
My mind had shown up where it wasn’t invited…

It was the 8th kilometer. The asphalt under my feet was starting to feel like mud, pulling my feet down, instead of propelling them forward. The sun was hot, melting my will power to keep going in this race. There comes a moment in life, in business, in a race, where you ask yourself “what […]
Why your business is like a piece of fruit… or is it?

Apples are a perfectly nice fruit. They provide nourishment, apparently one a day will keep the doctor away, and when comparing you want to ensure you are comparing apples to apples not oranges… Or do you? It always seemed so silly to me that we would compare apples and oranges, they are quite clearly different. […]
Quit being a cupcake pusher!

So I have this “friend”… okay, you got me, it’s me. I have recently been on a healthy streak. After hitting 35 I decided that it was time to really recognize that I only have this one body, and I want it to last a while, so I’ve been eating healthy and exercising, and it […]
Turn your head

How often does this happen to you, you’re strolling/driving/scooting along a street you’ve been down a hundred times, you turn your head, and you see something you never realized was there. Right there, in that spot, that you’ve passed a million times. Did it just pop up? Did they build it overnight, and the air […]
A Rush of Blood to the Head…how business can learn from music

I was sitting at my desk prepping midterm questions when suddenly I was in my old apartment, 15 years ago. The balcony door was open, a gentle breeze ruffled the curtains. Gus and Jello, the two cats who owned the place were lounging in the sun, one perched on the balcony rail, the other curled […]
Personal Development Plans… or, why you don’t want to be Icarus

It doesn’t matter which side of the table you are sitting on, working through development planning as an employee or with your employees can be painful. The conversation sometimes goes like this: “I don’t know, I’ve been here so long, what is there really left to learn?” or “There is so much uncertainty right now, […]
Turning 35… or, screw the plan!

Remember, when you were 8, you used to think people in their 20’s were old. And then when you were 16, it became people in their 30’s. Now as we get older, it turns out that age is just a number. We can be as old or as young as we act, bodies be damned. […]
Daydream believer…or, why the dog needs to take notes

Do you daydream? You know, where you spend time thinking about the things that could be, the words you could say, the actions you could take? There are countless articles espousing the power of the daydream. Daydreams give us hope, they help us to visualize the things we are after. The power of daydreams in […]
Know your truth, or why that guy needs a sugar daddy more than me

It was one of those moments where I was instantly glad I had thought things through. I knew in advance there might be a chance that someone would say something nasty, negative, or in this case just plain stupid. I have found if you can prepare in advance for it, the actual is never as […]