Caution – this post may cause discomfort, but if you keep reading maybe your discomfort will ease… maybe not
Lost voice found…let’s talk

In this time where stands are being taken, where voices are ringing out, I allowed only a muffled conversation to breach from my lips. I only spoke my truth with people I knew would respect it. And isn’t that the problem?
Meet Melissa, she’s pushing boulders…

In the very first episode of the #GrowthZone podcast, Melissa McKeachnie talks about what inspires her to push the boulder for animal rights!
How to stand on hills and kill your apathy

“That’s not a hill I want to die on,” I said as I took a sip of my water and adjusted the napkin in my lap. When did this happen? Today, yesterday, everyday.
Everyday we are faced with hills that we make a choice to climb or not to climb. And it got me wondering, how do we make those choices?
The Zipper Dress Resiliency

The hilarious tale of a girl, her broken zipper, and running around campus half-naked…and the lessons of resiliency that came from it.
How to start a revolution

Somewhere along the way we became tamed. Domesticated to live the path that makes the most sense. What started as drinks with friends, had now become the catalyst for my revolution.
5 Steps to move from "playing" business to being in business

Sometimes adulting in business is hard. Here are my 5 tips to go from playing business to actually being in business.
4 Steps to Crafting a Delicious Humble Pie

Sometimes hearing no can stop you in your tracks. And sometimes hearing no should stop you in your tracks. But there are other times when hearing no can be a catalyst for something great, for something important, and for something new and exciting. A few weeks ago I was going after something that I thought, maybe […]
Turn your head

How often does this happen to you, you’re strolling/driving/scooting along a street you’ve been down a hundred times, you turn your head, and you see something you never realized was there. Right there, in that spot, that you’ve passed a million times. Did it just pop up? Did they build it overnight, and the air […]
Turning 35… or, screw the plan!

Remember, when you were 8, you used to think people in their 20’s were old. And then when you were 16, it became people in their 30’s. Now as we get older, it turns out that age is just a number. We can be as old or as young as we act, bodies be damned. […]