Sometimes adulting in business is hard. Here are my 5 tips to go from playing business to actually being in business.
Why you need to remove the safety net and jump

I’m a skier. Not like a competitive, slalom, freestyle, trick skier. But of the winter sports that involve hills and snow and traveling at high speeds I like to ski. It could be because I first learned to ski at a young age. I loved it, the wind on your face, the sound of the […]
Turn your head

How often does this happen to you, you’re strolling/driving/scooting along a street you’ve been down a hundred times, you turn your head, and you see something you never realized was there. Right there, in that spot, that you’ve passed a million times. Did it just pop up? Did they build it overnight, and the air […]
A Rush of Blood to the Head…how business can learn from music

I was sitting at my desk prepping midterm questions when suddenly I was in my old apartment, 15 years ago. The balcony door was open, a gentle breeze ruffled the curtains. Gus and Jello, the two cats who owned the place were lounging in the sun, one perched on the balcony rail, the other curled […]
Personal Development Plans… or, why you don’t want to be Icarus

It doesn’t matter which side of the table you are sitting on, working through development planning as an employee or with your employees can be painful. The conversation sometimes goes like this: “I don’t know, I’ve been here so long, what is there really left to learn?” or “There is so much uncertainty right now, […]
Quit wasting time… or why binge watching Glee helped me break-up with Netflix

Binge watching Glee over the December holidays helped me break-up with Netflix. Ok, like not really break-up, more like take a break – like Ross and Rachel. Here’s the thing, I’m going to get really personal about my TV watching habits, and you are likely to judge me by the shows I watch and the […]
Quit playing the short game…

Quit playing the short game, without understanding the consequence. Because in the long run you are going to lose. Sure in the short run you might see a win, but do you understand the cost? This is a mistake that so many businesses and individuals play, its a gamble and they don’t even see it. […]
Are you paying attention to your values?

When I first started looking for images to tag into this blog post I searched values, because that’s what it’s about. What surprised, and maybe didn’t surprise me at the same time, was that the images were all of money and currency. And so it feels fitting to start there – with money. Often when […]
Create your own wake…

Everyday there are a hundred new articles about the traits of someone else. 8 Traits of Highly Successful People, 16 Traits of Real Leaders, 94 Traits of Resilient SOBs, you get the point. Everyday we are reading articles that tell us how someone else is doing something, pointing us in the direction of following in […]
4 Steps to Approach Innovation and Creative Problem Solving

So you have a problem, now what? There is so much out there on innovation, design thinking, and creative problem solving, it’s hard to know where to start. In previous posts we’ve reviewed that you are creative, and where ideas come from. But how do you go from problem, to ideas, to actual solution? We’ve […]