A letter to my 16 year old self… what would you tell your 16 year old self?
How to start a revolution

Somewhere along the way we became tamed. Domesticated to live the path that makes the most sense. What started as drinks with friends, had now become the catalyst for my revolution.
5 Steps to move from "playing" business to being in business

Sometimes adulting in business is hard. Here are my 5 tips to go from playing business to actually being in business.
4 Steps to Crafting a Delicious Humble Pie

Sometimes hearing no can stop you in your tracks. And sometimes hearing no should stop you in your tracks. But there are other times when hearing no can be a catalyst for something great, for something important, and for something new and exciting. A few weeks ago I was going after something that I thought, maybe […]
Turn your head

How often does this happen to you, you’re strolling/driving/scooting along a street you’ve been down a hundred times, you turn your head, and you see something you never realized was there. Right there, in that spot, that you’ve passed a million times. Did it just pop up? Did they build it overnight, and the air […]
Personal Development Plans… or, why you don’t want to be Icarus

It doesn’t matter which side of the table you are sitting on, working through development planning as an employee or with your employees can be painful. The conversation sometimes goes like this: “I don’t know, I’ve been here so long, what is there really left to learn?” or “There is so much uncertainty right now, […]
Know your truth, or why that guy needs a sugar daddy more than me

It was one of those moments where I was instantly glad I had thought things through. I knew in advance there might be a chance that someone would say something nasty, negative, or in this case just plain stupid. I have found if you can prepare in advance for it, the actual is never as […]
Year in Review – 2015

What a year! “I’ve never done this before.” That’s a statement I’ve said many times this year, and no sense ending the year without at least one more first, my first year in review post. And like many of the other firsts I have had this year, I don’t really know how to do this, […]
Financial Literacy Month – Financial Goals

Last week my goal was to budget for those Poetic License shoes, that was a short term goal for a consumable product. It was a desire, a nice to have. I have many financial goals… so do you. In fact, on average we all have anywhere from 20-50 financial goals, we just don’t tend to […]
Financial Literacy Month – Budgeting

There’s a new pair of shoes (I have a thing for shoes) on the website of one of my favourite shoe companies. They are so cute, all buttons and ribbons, and they are perfect for the season. Should I buy them? These shoes, with their cute name, Betsy Buttons, are even on sale. I have […]